Fun Facts About "Big 'N' Hairy Ranch"

Item one: The story was inspired from a weird out at a real ranch that I went to. Item two: They were playing The Beach Boys. Item three: Not sure where the main character came from. Item four: I had issues with the creepy Christmas lights floating around the place. Item five: I took out some of the structures and added my own, but the gas pump and nasty green marshmallow salad was there, along with the locked pop case in the creepy shed. Item six: Cousin Lucas's appearance was based on a guy who used to live down the street. Item seven: I mentioned covid in passing and chuckled, because lost of magazines made it taboo to mention it. Since I'm flying solo, ha! Item eight: Lorelei's rambling didn't need much editing. Item nine: Men who don't take care of their beards look like Big Foot. Item ten: The part of the dance where everyone was dressed like trashy cowboy and cowgirl was based on a 4th of July dance that I went to and lived to regret. It was in a barn and it ...