Behind the Scenes of "Carrina Triumphant": The Bully
The point of the bully for me was that Carrina busted her face, a thing I wanted to do but didn't have the know-how. Overall, bullies can come in any size. Not all bullies are big and ugly, sometimes they're small and ugly. I've seen too many idiots happy about little bullies. "They're so small and dominant! See? Size doesn't matter!" But it does matter, because when the bigger one stand up to the tiny rat, they call it bullying. Sometimes the big bully has a tiny minion who is just as much of a bully. For some reason you can fight the big one but you can't touch the little one. They say, "You're bigger, fight someone your own size." So I guess that means the little bully is brave? There is something inherently stupid in all that. They have poison tongues, they use other methods to get at you. They take away the bigger person's right to defend themselves. Size matters. It matters more than all the little pencil pushers think.