Behind the Scenes of "Carrina Triumphant": Carrina
Carrina is the product of a faulty system. She naturally wants to hurt no one, and that agrees with the rules of the school, but when the school fails to defend her, she must take action. While she acts in self defense, the system vilifies her for doing it. Taking away someone's right to defend themselves while failing to hold up one's end of the bargain often more than not ends in violence and blood. In an ironic twist, the peace loving system ultimately creates violence. The staff don't exactly live in reality, while Carrina does, and it is what is real that holds sway when no one properly acts on their morals.
On a lighter note, Carrina's bad day is a conglomeration of several bad days I myself and my little friends had when we were around that age. That age is usually sweet, so Carrina is sweet. She probably still is, she's just got some serious pepper in her blood now. If the system chooses to crush her more, she will only revolt, as all people with a lick of sense in them will do.
On a lighter note, Carrina's bad day is a conglomeration of several bad days I myself and my little friends had when we were around that age. That age is usually sweet, so Carrina is sweet. She probably still is, she's just got some serious pepper in her blood now. If the system chooses to crush her more, she will only revolt, as all people with a lick of sense in them will do.
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