Turning on your muse when it feels you can't squeeze anymore out of it
Some days, my muse for writing just turns completely off. I find sitting in front of the computer screen and wishing something to come just doesn't work. I saw a cartoon where a writer was doing just that. It was funny, but I don't think that cartoon character ever got her idea. Sometimes when my muse goes off it's because my brain has worked too hard and has fainted. Give it a rest. My brain is constantly going, and even when I sleep it's going nuts, so sleep sometimes doesn't do it for me. I've picked up cross stitching. Some people find it impossible to do, but it certainly empties my head, and on top of that, I come out with new Christmas ornaments, pictures for decorating, magnets, etc.... It's a productive way of not thinking. I also keep the sampler by my computer or notebook, so when I get stuck, I pick up the cross stitch. My brain is clear and I can focus. By the time I'm done with a row or two, I usually have the answer to my problem. An...