The Story Behind 64 Dresses

For once, I decided to check my facebook, and found a message inside saying that "64 Dresses" had gone live. I "ran" over, opened up the online magazine, and there was my baby looking at me--with an illustration no less!

What was behind this story? Take away the infuriating experiences with severe racism and pretend friends, there is only left a bedtime story I made up to get my little sister to go to sleep.

There have been many stink people in my life. It only made sense that they should melt. The girl's stench was based off of a kid I knew when I was five. Oh gosh, I knew exactly where he was when he'd come to play with my brother. Wouldn't you know it, the little stink bomb would be sitting on my precious bed--right where my head went at night. And yes, he did smell orange. I can't describe it any other way. My nose still quivers when I think about him.


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