"The Cowboy Cabin" A trilogy completed!

"The Cowboy Cabin" started out nothing like what it is today, and it even had a different title. It went from a ghost story to a monster story, and from there, it went from a haunted house to a cowboy cabin. I went to a cornfield to receive inspiration for a Bigfoot story, and ended up with a scarecrow.

The scarecrow did many things before it did what it does in "The Cowboy Cabin." The ending was different, too. In fact, I rehashed the ending so many times that if I told you all of them, this post would take at least an hour to read. And that sucks, so I'm not gonna say. I'm just gonna say that James ended up very differently. If you really want to know, ask me on twitter. My handle is @SparrowCove.

Anyway, "The Cowboy Cabin" is connected to "Toni's Land " and "The Hairy Man." I was so thrilled when "The Cowboy Cabin" was accepted, that meant my trilogy was completed!


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