"Pariahs," a Book Lost, a Book Found

"Pariahs" is coming out in November. It's a dark fantasy about a boy who has been claimed as a demon's son, and he has to find a way to escape. For "Pariahs," the writing process was long. I mean thirteen years long. I couldn't put two sentences together. I couldn't even type. I was one of those people who could find the entire alphabet on the keyboard except the letter I wanted. Seriously, three minutes to type my first name.

I wrote "Pariahs" in a notebook. It spanned about five five-star notebooks, each with 500 sheets in it. It's interesting to go back and see what I had. One thing I had was about thirty characters. They have now been distributed throughout several books, and will make their appearances accordingly.

"Pariahs" went through about 300 drafts, and I may be under-exaggerating. I had to chop characters until I had the small group that you will see in November. Life was good. Everything was fine. I was almost finished, and then everything corrupted. I lost my entire book. I went a little nuts for a few days, you know, like being curled in a fetal position on my bed and going through withdrawal the way Linus does when he's lost his blanket.

After I got my head together, I had to realize that even though I had lost the book, and I had lost a thousand scenes and words, that the book didn't live on the page, it lived inside me. It had always been with me, and I could find it again. I rewrote the whole thing within a few weeks. It wasn't exactly the same as the book that I had lost. I'm thinking that was good, because everything fell into place so perfectly. The new book went through several drafts, and now my preparations for it are almost complete.

I hope you enjoy it come November.


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