Villains reveal for "Renzhies" coming your way in June!

As my artist has gone AWOL, you are stuck with my art. My only comfort is that I found an online dpi converter. Let us proceed.

When I came up with the "Renzhie," it was supposed to be something different from what it ended up being. I was trying to mix two monsters together to make a new one. It didn't work since both Renzhies in the book were two different creatures when they began. After I finally figured out what a Renzhie was, I decided there would be two different types, regardless of what the person was before he or she became a Renzhie.

This is the first type. Also, this is the main villain of the book, whom I despise with every fiber of my being. And so will you.

This is the second type of Renzhie. I abhor this one, too. This is the secondary villain and absolutely annoying.

Only an Iskerkin like Zhin can fight them and kill them, as you will see when "Renzhies" drops in June, ready to thrill an terrify, laugh and reach into your vengeful emotions.


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