"Renzhies" has arrived!

This morning was a mad rush to get the book published! And now, it is here in kindle format. The paperback will follow. It's pending approval right now. And so, after my stomach was hurting for weeks during the final readthrough, the knots inside it this morning, getting smacked in the head so hard I almost got a headache, and then being electrocuted, the book has arrived! Nri Kryne now has a younger brother.

You can buy it right here and claim it for your very own!


While working on "Renzhies," I had the worst time getting a bead on the villain. Every time I turned around, he was plaguing me. If he did one thing, it messed with the entire book. Whenever I wrote about him, I had problems galore. I'd spend weeks and weeks on each scene that had to do with him.

After I finished with all of his parts, I'd had it with him.

The book is separated into several parts, each with a name, like how "Nri Kryne" was separated into "The Compound," "Sweet Water Pass," and "Merisyliss." One of my favorites in "Renzhies" is the book called "Rezh." I really hope all of you love it as much as I do!

It was great introducing new characters and getting to know them. And soon, you will get to know them, too! The other favorite for me is "Rilkin." Very fun! Very scary! And it's told from Rilkin's point of view.

You know, I think I love all the books together. They were each so fun to write. The only dampening thing for me was the villain. Such a wretch if there ever was one.

Have fun hating him, have fun reading, have fun being reunited with the crew, and have fun getting to know all the new people!

Click on over and buy!



  1. I'm so excited for you!!! Congrats! Can't wait to have my very own copy!!!


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