A Question About The Stars
I've been studying more about Jesus Christ, our Savior in a manual called "Come Follow Me." For those of you who don't know what that is, here is the link: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-old-testament-2022?lang=eng
The study I did today was reading Psalms 8, 19, and 33.
The question posed for the reading was:
How do the Lord’s creations declare the glory of God to you?
My answer:
They are a pure, mighty, and sure testimony of Him that can’t be disputed. When I look upon them, I know that He is, and that gives me more comfort than anything, when I’m all alone and frightened. Looking at the stars tells me that He is real and that He is there. From there, all that I’m told is true of Him. He loves me and will always be with me. He made all those things and He made me, and I am His daughter. I am His baby. Nothing can make itself, and that’s a fact. He had to make it. Matter can’t organize itself, it has no brain. So when I look at His marvelous works, I am comforted, I am at peace, and I am at rest no matter what is happening.
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