
Showing posts from October, 2019

Halloween Special: McNary, Indian Camp

WARNING: STORIES MAY BE TOO SCARY FOR YOUNGER AUDIENCES The names of the individuals have been changed to protect their identities. The small town of McNary is kind of split in half. One one side is the main town, but on the outskirts is a part of McNary that the people like to call Indian Camp. It's been called that since before political correctness had a place in society. When the roads used to be made of dirt and the forest was thicker, a girl went hitch hiking. As she headed for the highway, she ran flat into a hairy creature standing on two legs. She didn't scream, but turned around and walked back home. She tried to keep calm, because she was afraid that if she ran, it would chase her. Closer to the old sawmill are a row of houses. There, a man I'll call Randy hooked up with a woman I'll call Marie. She had two children. One night, Randy and Marie decided to grab a pizza and a movie to bring back home to them. Everybody was excited and the ki...

Online dating services in review: 500+ trying to rob my cradle

Hi, everybody! I did something stupid again. ๐Ÿ˜Š Being that I'm single beyond belief, I joined several dating sites. I'd never done it before and figured, what do I have to lose? I still have nothing to lose. If you want to find yourself a beautiful weirdo who'll bump you into the next season of Forensic Files, you need a ridiculous amount of money just to send a stupid message. Most sites are so stupid you have to pay just to see who sent you a message. Of course, you can never send any yourself unless you upgrade to premium, which is being able to do everything you can already do for free on Facebook, Twitter and everywhere else. Since when has love costed money? I'll tell you where. In the red light district. I got my very first flirt from this hunk. And I mean, Gale from Hunger Games kind of hunk. Wow! Dating sites are like magic! I'm really going to get a boyfriend! I will no longer be boyfriendedly challenged. I clicked so fast on his profile m...