Dates Gone Wrong #1: Ice Skating

Wherever you are, especially in quarantine, I hope this makes you grin.

I haven't dated much in my life, but when I have gone on dates, they have been funky, or something stupid happened. Most of the time, I didn't know I was on a date.

One day, I went ice skating. Of course, I can't ice skate. I can't skate either. It didn't matter how much I practiced, how much I tried, or how many times I fell on my tail bone. It was death. Like an imbecile, I always wanted to try ice skating.

One day, I got my chance. Guess what, I went BOOYAH! Slid across the ice on my stomach, sat down, got stranded on the other side of the ice rink, crawled on all fours to the exit, hurt my ankles, the works.

Finally, one of the guys in our hang out group date took pity on my sorry hide and tried to teach me. He took my hands and skated backwards, while I used him as a "walker" like the old people do. I think I looked like one, too. It should have been romantic, right? But of course, I slipped. While I was trying to get up, my pants fell off.


  1. Oh dear, I shouldn't have, but I laughed so hard at that last line! You poor thing.:-)

    1. :D :D :D

      I'm glad I could put a smile on your face! :)


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