Haunted School

Back when I worked as a substitute teacher, I often subbed at a school lurking in the bushes 45 minutes from home. There was a river nearby, where teachers took their students on spur-of-the-moment field trips.

One day, I was subbing for a class I particularly liked. They didn't have psychotic issues. After I sent them off to the computer lab, I returned to the class room alone to look over the day's schedule.

The class room was set up so that the teacher could view all areas of the room from her desk. The one hidden spot was a corner where two bookshelves faced each other.

While I reviewed the schedule, I heard a sound in front of the desk, like somebody letting out air after holding their breath for a long time. Immediately, I looked over the desk's edge, but saw nobody. The books in the shelves began to shift, so I took a look. Nobody there, either. I returned to the desk, wondering what to do.

The teacher had a stuffed green dragon sitting on a microwave next to the desk. For some reason, my eyes were drawn to it. The toy turned on the microwave until it faced me. And then it slid to the edge and hit the floor.

Picking it up, I placed it back on the microwave and got my butt out of the room. As soon as I stepped into the hall, I ran into the secretary. She said the teacher for my class was returning and they had assigned me to another one. A teacher aid would take my spot. This new class wasn't as well-behaved, but better them than what haunted this creepy chamber.

After I received my new assignment, I had to pass that room. The teacher aid was sitting inside alone, so I recounted the tale to her. When she discovered the incident had occurred not five minutes ago, she followed me out. The principal never called me to teach in that room again.


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