How to deal with racism #6: Reverse Racism

After all is said and done, the world suddenly has no more racism, and then you wake up and realize that it's in reversal. That's why racists think there isn't racism. Fighting something so that you can become it is like the most pointless, supercilious thing you could ever do. Don't become what you hate or you're a grade A idiot! Sure you wish you could string the jerks out and make them all suffer as you did, but is that accomplishing anything? Okay, it makes you feel better for awhile but reverse racism is the harbinger of a vicious circle.

You make them miserable, they then become the victims and it's as asinine as you being sued by a robber because he or she got hurt in your house. Where's the justice? It died somewhere back along the trail where you became a persecuting racist yourself. Your racism stems from hate instead of skewed thinking and where does that get anyone? You'll start hating everything then, your view of the world is skewed and you start adding other things onto your hate list. Things that don't make any sense. The world owes you a living now? You don't know. It just owes you something because of what the butt head down the street did to you.

Seriously, are you going to let that jerk screw up your world? I don't think so! They can hate all by themselves and go to you know where all by themselves too. They want to be in a world without you, they can burn without the pleasure of your company too.

Yes, it's hard not to hate those who have hurt you, so on your road to healing and avoiding the abyss of racism, start out small. Instead of detesting an entire race, just detest individuals. Once you know what individuals you abhor, work on avoiding them as much as possible. Don't think about them and treat them distantly, especially the ones you're forced to be around.

Once you got that down, try being kind to those of that race. Look for the diamonds stuck in the pile of manure, someone who truly does not see race. Through them you can see the good of their race. And when you feel pretty good, even if it takes years, you can try saying good morning to the the jerk racist or whatever. And then you can try small talk with them. This is not to cure them of their racism, but to cure yourself. Like depression, the eradication has to come from within. In this way you become something beautiful and don't we all want that?


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