How to be street smart when you're street dumb #3: dark places

There are a million dark, empty places in the world and a million predators to fill them. Now most people know not to walk through dark alleys and across parks at night, alone or otherwise. And yet people are always getting killed in them.

Before you think of taking the short cut to the dance, the basketball game, or the McDonald's, you need only think of one word: RAPE!!! Do you really want to be the next naked body found that was strangled with your own pantyhose? I think not. Perhaps you'd like to be found in a box under some nut case's bed? The safest places in the world are the best hunting grounds for predators because everyone is so at ease. Which deer is the easiest to shoot? The one who walks right up to you looking for a snack, or the one that stays hidden and watchful?

Stay in big groups if you're bound and determined to walk through a dark, empty area. Be aware of the part of town you are in. There are places in the cities where you just don't go at night because it's guaranteed someone will have you for breakfast, or a late night snack. The same goes in the country areas, and you've got animals to deal with, too. Don't walk around assuming everything is hunky dory. Make sure you know the good and bad of your area. If something doesn't feel safe, LISTEN. Some car could drive up, drag you inside and it's curtains for you. If you happen to survive, you'll wish you were dead.

Authorities find lunatics in the bushes all the time. Take Hawaii for example, a paradise full of beauty and constant winds. Well, a dude was hiking up in those jungly mountains feeling good when out of nowhere a lunatic ran screaming out at him and threw him off the edge of the mountain. Now what was he doing up there alone? He thought he was in paradise, he thought he was safe, he thought nothing ever happened there.

Don't ever think things don't happen wherever you are. It just shows you're in a bubble made of air from your head.

Be paranoid. Be watchful. Keep out of STUPID situations. Sure, if it's your time to go, it's your time to go, but does it need to be your fault? Does it need to be more painful than it has to be? Live by the motto: Better paranoid than sorry. Just don't take your paranoia too far or you too can be living in the bushes.

It is mostly at night that things happen. They say the devil is out at midnight. Keep your butt indoors when it gets too late. That's why boys are supposed to bring their dates home at 11:00, right? And if you don't believe it, be prepared to make headlines.


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