How to be street smart when you're street dumb #5: Stranger Danger, Aquaintance Danger

Stranger Danger, it gets taught in schools and hopefully by parents, and yet why can an ugly man walk into a pool party, take out a little girl by the hand and the next time anyone sees her she's a mutilated body? Somebody didn't teach the kid how to find her butt with two hands. They live in a bubble, they think everybody is kind. Do they not realize that there are truckloads of unkind people out there?! No. Of course not. Or this would not have happened. That's why it's a bad idea to go hitch hiking. Maybe fifty years ago it was safer, but it wasn't all the way safe. The older generation likes to brag about it, but they're the ones who taught stranger danger. Obviously things happened. Next time you go hitch hiking, just remember that the next car could be a maniac ready to eat your face off.

As for picking up hitch hikers, women should not do it when alone. In the world of the crook, there's no such thing as "equal rights for women." There is no feminist ideal. She picks up a maniac, she too can be walking naked on the road, cut up and beaten to a pulp. And if she has children in her car, well let your imagination ride. It can be a family rape fest.

Thinking well of people you have just met is VERY different from trusting them implicitly until you know how far you can trust them. If you live by this rule, you can be friends with a lot of people you normally wouldn't be. Take John Doe down the road. He's a thief, that's all you know. But in a pinch he'll come pick you up if you're stranded. Shoot, he'll probably steal the car so he can come get you. So all you have to do is keep your wallet, purse or whatever close to you and away from his nimble, little hands. And NEVER tell him if your house is completely devoid of people. See, you're friends with a thief who doesn't steal from you. Now Jane Doe is a different story. She's rich, but she won't give you a dime, although she will defend you from your enemies. Now as long as you don't ask her greedy butt for money, she is your friend. Each friend has good and bad qualities. Now if you can just counteract the bad qualities, you're good to go.

Of course if you decide to make friends with a murderer that's different. It means you're nuts. But the murderer, the predator, they could be in your family. Rule number one: keep your kids away from them and don't you be anywhere alone with them. Don't open the door to them unless you've got somebody big and strong whom you really trust with you. Don't choose them as babysitters! You too can come home and see your baby staked to the table. They are family, but it doesn't give you the right to be stupid.


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