How to be street smart when you're street dumb #6: Personal Effects

Every second of every day, there's a thief in the making. How the little wretches love snatching purses, phones, wallets and all that good stuff. These days, every important thing is on your smart phone. Well it's a dumb phone if you let it get stolen, or if you lose it. How smart is it to have everything in one place? Wouldn't that be like having the same password for everything? Of course it is! And if you didn't know it, now you do.

Walking down the street flashing your phone for every thief to see is nothing short of idiotic. Suppose you drop it and it clatters all over? Broken phone. Now why would you carry your wallet and phone out for everyone to see? Do you have a Kung Fu grip or something?

Now on to the wallet. Seriously, are you going to flash all your money? Flashing money equals mugging. Mugging equals your butt kicked and that could equal hospital. People get shot for stupid things all the time, like their smelly shoes. Either way you're humiliated, and you can't even get revenge. Be discreet with your cash. Don't start flashing hundred dollar bills just because you're trying to look rich. That will make you dirt poor in the parking lot.

Ah, so you don't use cash? You're strictly debit and credit card. Oh, wonderful. Now you just have to watch out for greedy, little eyes looking to steal your numbers. Then they'll watch you stick the card in your wallet and then you're mugged anyway. How about the wretched cashier who has a phone of their own and they get your card number down under the pretense of dialing or text messaging? How about the person behind you? Be paranoid, hide what numbers you're pressing with your hand, stand in the way of it and eye everybody who seems a little too curious. I mean seriously, what business is it of theirs' to watch you punch in numbers on a pad?

Purses should not be open and swinging on a flimsy strap. The runner of the century could just rip it from your shoulder like nobody's business. All you'll be able to do is watch forlornly after the butt head. Somebody could easily drop something into it while your back is turned. What are you supposed to tell the police when they come for you? "I was stupid"? Zip up the purse, keep it on your shoulder and held tight to you, and don't let anybody touch it. Make sure the purse is on the side NOT facing the street.

Above all, make sure you look like you know what you're doing and know where you're going-- like you own the place.


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