How to deal with racism #1: The Thick Skin pt. 1

Recently, in response to a hate crime, a seriously stupid newscaster actually said that "we all thought racism was gone, but has it just been hiding?" Give me a break! If the sun didn't shine in his eyes every day he wouldn't believe the sun existed. It's become quite refined, smooth and permeates everything just as air enters your lungs. Like a lunatic who insists that they are not crazy even when they're locked in a rubber room, these people will insist that they are not racist. Just because the rubber room isn't hurting them they don't believe anyone else is getting hurt.

Can these non racists explain why they change their voice to accommodate a two year old when speaking to us? Why do they automatically assume we're lying if we say something? Why do they believe their own color after that person repeats what you just said? Why is it that if you are not able to do something, the self proclaimed non racist believes you are making excuses, but makes excuses for the one who is the same color as they are? Because they're racist! They don't want to believe they have the same character trait as Hitler. They're in denial!

Before you go to war with this deceiving, cunning monster, you need armor. It's called a "thick skin." You can't buy it, you must build it, layer after layer. Your persecutors will give you every piece you need for free. How ironic. Racism will always exist and you've got to accept it.

Well, now that you've accepted it, time to build your thick skin. Racists will beat on it, cut it up and bang their little, putrid heads against it. Ask yourself, "how much does this little turd matter to me who thinks I'm lying just because of my color?" or "my race?" or "the color and texture of my hair?" or "who my ancestors were?" or "how much money do I have?" Here's a stupid one, "we're the same race but the turd pulled different features of the same ancestor so now they think they're better." And what will you answer yourself? "NOTHING!! Their souls are as ugly as their face!" Then go about your day and never think of them again. This requires some serious practice, but don't worry, you'll have more than enough opportunities.


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