How to deal with racism #4: Refuge

Ever have a day when you just wanna kill? Take the mistakes of human nature and just bump 'em off? Well if you do that the whole planet would be dead and then somebody like Superman will have to come save the world from you or something. Isn't it just the way?

The butt head down the street won't acknowledge your presence, the jerk across the way will say hi to everyone but you, the statistic waiting to happen glares at you when he or she finds you on the sidewalk in front of their "palace," and don't forget the piece of crap that treats you as if your IQ is .05 or the cowardly dumb bell that calls the cop on you for walking down the street in the evening. They're everywhere, like roaches. They won't die and if they do, ten more take their place and it's usually their spawn.

You're out in the world, you're getting it from every side, you get in fights and no one takes your side. They say you're the one with the bad attitude. They say you can't treat people like that when really what they mean is for you to be a dog and roll over for them. But you refuse to lay down and die, you become a constant menace to them. You're always on a battleground. Soldiers get tired every day. They need a break and so do you.

Go home for awhile. Gather your strength to go back out onto that battlefield. Replenish and repair. Carrying heavy armor is tiring and no matter what you'll get bruised, but not defeated. That's why superheros are always threatening to quit. They reject what can be their refuge--don't be stupid like that! You need your family and REAL friends to heal you! You'll get defeated if you don't have a place of refuge.


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