The trash-eating cow

All week and last week, the trash kept getting knocked over. The dogs in the neighborhood always knock the trash over and eat it. They've been doing it for years. We tie up the trash can to the fence and it still gets knocked over. And then the trash truck showed up one year and ate the trash can lid. Now we cover the can with a heavy board.

Last night the trash can was knocked over again. My brothers were furious and they ran out there to see exactly which culprit it was. It was a giant cow. The thing's head was in the trash can munching on trash. What the crap? It has the whole forest to eat grass in and it comes into town for a trash fix.

My brothers chased the cow off, but it just ran across the street and watched them put the trash back into the can. It didn't even care about the dogs barking and nipping at its legs.

As soon as my brothers went back inside, the cow came back and stuffed its head in the trash.

I wonder how trash-fed cows taste. It must not be very good. video by Snarled.


  1. A trash-eating cow? For real? Because I can't tell if you're joking or if you're serious. If it's real, that's bizarre!


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