Wear earrings and lipstick every day

Back in high school, I wore earrings every day. In college, I wore earrings and lipstick every day. Every day, my earrings were different. I had boxes of earrings and I picked and chose which I would wear from day to day.

One day, this girl asked me where I'd gotten my earrings, because there was a set of them she really loved. I don't know what she thought I was going to say. I guess anything besides, "The dollar store." She just gave me this weird stare like I'd given her a major shock. She never talked to me after that.

It was kind of like when I was playing volleyball, and I was the only person with the sense to cover her major wrist arteries with her sweater. After the game, the other girls were showing each other how red they had become. When they saw my arms, they were just as white as ever. When one of the girls asked why, I said I had covered my arms. She wouldn't talk to me after that and kind of backed away.

Maybe these two weirdoes were related.

Anyway, sometime after college, I went into a depression and stopped wearing my earrings and my lipstick. Now that I've bounced back, we have to wear face masks. Isn't it always the way? The lipstick industry is suffering, I hear. Earrings get in the way of the elastics that slip over the ears.

And so, I have come up with a plan! I wear the lipstick under the mask and the elastics just have to make a longer trip around my ears, especially when I wear dangly earrings...all my earrings are dangly.


  1. I hadn't thought of the lipstick industry suffering right now. Of course, it makes sense. Yeah, I've moved to wearing smaller earrings so it's easier to put the mask elastic loops on.

    1. My brother read about it. I had suspected it would happen, but to actually see it was a whole different thing.


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