Salvaging book reviews after you've had to republish a book

Since "Nri Kryne" came along, I've lost my reviews for "Pariahs."

There is a way to get them back, but the help center on Amazon isn't helping. I asked two very specific questions and they sent me a copy and paste answer. I know, because I had both e-mails from them. The e-mails were word for word.

Anyway, I don't know what robot is working the help center, but if you send them the ISBN for the old book and the new book, they can put your reviews back on.

The problem is that the copy and paste answer talked about the same title and content. When I asked about different title and same content, they sent me the copy and paste.

This was in the help. I've heard Author Central is better. Maybe they don't have robots. So I've also written to them. Maybe a human will answer me this time and help me get things sorted out.

Also, I have four reviews for Nri Kryne now, but you can't see two of them. Three of them appear in Author Central, but the fourth is nowhere to be found. I know it's there, because the reviewer sent me a screen shot.

Last time I got an international review, it took a whole year for it to appear.

That said, Amazon claims authors are quite beloved to them.

If that were true, wouldn't they take better care of us? They wouldn't be snatching two of my sales out from under me and then put them back on two months later, that's for sure.

My sales dashboards would be correct, too. In one dashboard, I have sales, in the other, a straight up zero.

This is SO frustrating.

I think I'm gonna go visit my planet for a while. You can come, too.

Pick up your star ship to Ilo here:


  1. Oh, that does sound frustrating! I hope things get smoothed out quickly.

    1. It did! I wrote about it in the next post. :D


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